Green Gables

In this series of articles we explore how you can adapt your landscaping practices to better help the environment of Coral Gables.


Jan  •  Feb


January  • February  • March  • June  •  July


Doing Your Yard with all Native Plants

We’ve been working our way through the 9 principles of Florida Friendly Landscaping on the website. So far we’ve talked about: right plant/right place; watering efficiently; fertilize appropriately; mulch; pesticides; and attracting wildlife. The other 3 are…
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Green Gables Florida Friendly Landscaping feature October 2019

Now the Fun Stuff – Creating a Habitat

We’ve been working our way through the University of Florida’s nine principles for creating a “Florida Friendly Yard” and have discussed so far: right plant, right place; efficient watering; fertilizing appropriately, mulch, and controlling pests. Next I want…
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Green Gables Florida Friendly Landscaping August 2019

Florida Friendly Landscaping – Part 2

Hi all!! I hope you are enjoying your summer. Last month we started to look at the University of Florida extension service list of the principles we need to follow to create a “Florida Friendly Yard”. We talked…
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Green Gables July 2019 feature

Florida Friendly Landscaping – Part 1

Last month we started talking about why we really need to be thinking about ecology and the environment. We discussed some things you can start doing in your own yard that are “planet friendly”. Because as the May…
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Green Gable June 2019 feature

Your Yard Can Be Beautiful and Nature Friendly

I am pleased to bring you the first issue of what will be a monthly column on ecology and our environment. Hopefully it will give you some ideas of how you can contribute to our planet and to…
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About the Author

Linda Lawrence Waldron

Linda Lawrence Waldron currently writes the Green Gables column in Gables Living Magazine.  Linda chaired the Coral Gables Garden Club committee that established the  Coral Gables Library Butterfly Garden.

She is the author of the Coral Gables Library Butterfly booklet. It gives you the "how to’s" for having your own butterfly garden. 
Linda attended the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew, England School of Garden Design.

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