Tag Archives: bees

Linda Waldron June 2021 Green Gables article butterfly feature image

Living in Paradise

We really do live in paradise...I’m at my home office desk. At my right is a big window with a mass of blooming…
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transparent butterfly on milkweed-feature

Two Years of Articles and Very Hopeful

Well, I started this column in June 2019 so this is the two year mark. I have to say I’ve learned a lot…
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Lisbon Park

A Pollinator Patch for Your Yard

Have you noticed that we live in paradise!! I am writing this March 5 and the weather is SWEET! A little breeze, blue…
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Insects That Pollinate Flowers Like Bees and Butterflies Are In Trouble

Did you happen to see the Super Bowl this year? Wow,  what a game! And wow Tom Brady!! He periodically posts his NFL…
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Your Yard Can Be Beautiful and Nature Friendly – Why Not Add a Pollinator Garden???

It’s really good news that according to a recent survey of global consumers by Nielsen, 73% of consumers say that they would definitely…
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