Tag Archives: landscapes

Conversations about Education and an Ecological Oasis

You know I am convinced that a lot of the answer to global warming is education. I was at my dentists today and…
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Munstead wood rose: copyright by Victor Lazzari

Incorporating Roses For Cutting In The South Florida Garden

The world of garden roses is a wonderfully diverse horticultural playground. In the most general sense, all roses are woody-stemmed perennial shrubs –…
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Your Yard Can Be Beautiful and Nature Friendly – Why Not Add a Pollinator Garden???

It’s really good news that according to a recent survey of global consumers by Nielsen, 73% of consumers say that they would definitely…
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Green Gables Florida Friendly Landscaping August 2019

Florida Friendly Landscaping – Part 2

Hi all!! I hope you are enjoying your summer. Last month we started to look at the University of Florida extension service list…
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